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How Does a Developer's License for WordPress Plugins Work? 

Developers create and license plugins for use with the WordPress blogging platform. Ciaran Griffin/Stockbyte/Getty Images Website owners use the WordPress blogging script to create blogs for their websites. Web developers create a variety of useful plugins to improve WordPress functionality and create a license to lay out the rights and limitations involved in using their plugins. A developer who uses an appropriate software license can promote WordPress plugins while protecting his legal rights and preventing legal liability. GPL2 License According to WordPress, most developers use the Free Software Foundation's GNU General Public License, Version 2 (GPL2). With this publicly available license, you do not have to write your own legal contract when disseminating a WordPress plugin. Instead, you simply put a notice in your plugin documentation that you are adopting the GPL2 license. As of January 2012, there is no charge to use this license. Bear in mind that this is a legally binding contract. It has terms and conditions for copying, modifying and distributing your plugin. It also has terms that protect you by stating that you give no warranty for the use of the plugin. Review the official "GNU General Public License, version 2" page (see link in Resources) for full terms and conditions. GPL2 Notice The "Writing a Plugin" page on the WordPress website provides the text of the GPL2 notice to include with your plugin. This notice is not the full copy of the license. Therefore, you should either include the full text of the license in the "readme" file of your plugin or include a link in the notice to the official license page. According to WordPress, developers typically place this license notice directly below the standard header in the main PHP file of the plugin. Compatible Licenses Depending on your personal situation, you may wish to use a different license. For example, the GPL2 license has no provision for incorporating software into a separate commercial product. In that case, you would use the GNU Lesser General Public License. The "GPL-Compatible Free Software Licenses" page (see link in Resources) has links to a number of software licenses that you may use with a WordPress plugin. Each compatible license has its own notice for you to post in your plugin. Plugin Hosting WordPress maintains a database of plugins for the convenience of bloggers. If you want to add your plugin, you must use either the GPL2 or a license that is compatible with the GPL2. You can use a different license if you don't mind hosting the plugin elsewhere. Free Software You may either sell or give away your plugin for free when using a GPL license. Under the GPL licensing scheme, the term "free software" does not mean that the developer must give away a WordPress plugin for free. Rather, it means that the developer must grant four kinds of freedom to users: freedom to run the program, freedom to study and modify it, freedom to redistribute copies and freedom to distribute copies of modified versions. This includes making the source code available, which is standard for WordPress plugins because you must include the source code to allow users to install the plugin on their own websites. If you intend to limit any of these freedoms then you will have to create a different license for your WordPress plugin. Unless you have experience in drafting legal documents, you should consult an attorney before creating and using your own license. About the Author Jimmy Boyd has a law degree from Thomas M. Cooley Law School. He has been writing articles on law and a variety of other topics since 2004. His work appears at, eHow and Photo Credits Ciaran Griffin/Stockbyte/Getty Images bibliography-iconicon for annotation tool Cite this Article Choose Citation Style MLA APA Chicago (B) Boyd, Jimmy. "How Does a Developer's License for WordPress Plugins Work?" Small Business -, Accessed 07 April 2020. Boyd, Jimmy. (n.d.). How Does a Developer's License for WordPress Plugins Work? Small Business - Retrieved from Boyd, Jimmy. "How Does a Developer's License for WordPress Plugins Work?" accessed April 07, 2020. Copy Citation Note: Depending on which text editor you're pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site name.

wordpress php 

6 Years Ago Hey I have Done some modification hope this will work <?php /* Plugin Name:new plugin Description: A simple hello world wordpress plugin Version: 1.0 Author: arti shrivas Author URI: License: GPL */ /* This calls hello_world() function when wordpress initializes.*/ //Note that the hello_world doesnt have brackets. add_action('admin_menu', 'your_menu'); function your_menu() { add_menu_page('my_plugin', 'My Menu', 'manage_options', 'plug', 'new_plugin'); } function new_plugin() { //echo "Hello World"; global $wpdb; $table_name ='wp_register'; if(isset($_POST['sub'])) { // echo "hello"; $name=$_POST['name']; $dob=$_POST['dob']; $email=$_POST['email']; // echo $name." ".$dob." ".$email; $wpdb->insert( $table_name, array( 'name' => $name, 'dob' => $dob, 'email'=>$email ), array( '%s', '%s', '%s' ) ); //$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $table_name (name, dob,email) VALUES('".$name."','".$dob."','".$email."')"); // echo '<pre>';print_r($wpdb); die; } ?> <div class="new"> <div class="new1"> <form method="post" > <?php //wp_nonce_field('update-options'); ?> <lable>Your name</lable> <input type="text" name="name"><br/> <lable>Date of birth</lable> <input type="text" name="dob"><br/> <lable>Email id</lable><input type="text" name="email"> <br/> <input type="submit" value="<?php _e('Save Changes') ?>" name="sub"/> </form> </div> </div> <?php } ?> 0 0 Edited
 6 Years Ago 
 by code_rum 6 Years Ago Just change the value of name to anything like name="fname" and it gets solved <lable>Your name</lable> <input type="text" name="fname"><br/> May be this will work for you 0 0 Edited
 6 Years Ago 
 by code_rum

The Advantages of Paid WordPress Themes 

Your blog's appearance can reflect your personality and taste. Polka Dot RF/Polka Dot/Getty Images The look of your WordPress blog contributes to your visitor's overall impression of you and your work and is an important element of communication. Whether you install WordPress on your own Web server or use to host your blog, you can modify the look and feel of your site using a free or a paid WordPress theme. Although some free themes were built by extremely talented Web developers, there are some advantages to using a paid WordPress theme, especially for a business site. Theme Quality Some paid WordPress themes are developed by Web design companies who employ a team of developers. The work of designing, testing and maintaining themes may be divided among employees skilled in graphic design, HTML and CSS coding, search engine optimization as well as PHP and JavaScript programming. This professional approach enables the company to produce unique, up-to-date, compelling, standards-compliant and secure themes. Developers of free themes may lack the time, expertise and resources to create sites of this caliber. Theme Customization Free WordPress themes often have few, if any, built-in customization options. If you need to change your blog's fonts, background colors or header and footer content, you are usually on your own. Paid themes, however, often offer many customization options for site navigation, content layout, font styles or image display that you can choose from with a mouse click. In addition, some paid themes provide built-in support for mobile devices like smartphones or tablet PCs. Product Support Paid theme developers may support their products after the sale. This support may come in the form of email or phone consultations for problems you might have with their themes. In addition, many commercial themes come with periodic security updates, bug fixes or upgrades that keep them current with the latest versions of WordPress. Developers of free themes are frequently individuals. They may be extremely creative and talented, but they eventually may move on to other things. Comprehensive theme support is the exception, not the rule. Theme Ownership Although many free WordPress themes are licensed as free software under the GPL or General Public License, their developers may require you to leave their links, logos, branding or copyright information on the theme template and visible to visitors to your blog. Such elements may detract from your business's credibility. Paid WordPress theme licenses, however, may allow you to remove the the seller's branding and ads from your purchase as long as you don't claim its ownership or or attempt to distribute or sell it yourself. About the Author Allen Bethea has written articles on programming, web design,operating systems and computer hardware since 2002. He holds a Bachelor of Science from UNC-Chapel Hill and AAS degrees in office technology, mechanical engineering/drafting and internet technology. Allen has extensive experience with desktop and system software for both Windows and Linux operating systems. Photo Credits Polka Dot RF/Polka Dot/Getty Images bibliography-iconicon for annotation tool Cite this Article Choose Citation Style MLA APA Chicago (B) Bethea, Allen. "The Advantages of Paid WordPress Themes." Small Business -, Accessed 07 April 2020. Bethea, Allen. (n.d.). The Advantages of Paid WordPress Themes. Small Business - Retrieved from Bethea, Allen. "The Advantages of Paid WordPress Themes" accessed April 07, 2020. Copy Citation Note: Depending on which text editor you're pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site name.